Is Your Company Leaking Money?

What is most important to you?

Process Gaps
Unapproved Spend
Organization Silos

Now You Can Identify the Right Solution


Diving In Head First With Your Company's Time and Money

Plug organizational silo leaks, identify maverick spend, and save 6-7 figures, without committing to an expensive, lengthy project.

Does this feel familiar?

Hi there.

You’re running a large team that manages everything, from procure to pay. You’re in charge of a lot. In many ways you’re like the captain of a large ship. You manage several departments and employees, and your division is critical to the functioning of the overall business.

You want to run a tight ship, yet you don’t want to micromanage. At a certain point you have to assume everyone is doing their jobs to keep your ship sailing on course.

But when it’s time for month end reporting, you get a little nervous. The numbers don't look right, but there’s not a clear “fix” to the problem. Why does this happen?

Whether you like it or not, every ship has leaks ... even yours

There may be a few small leaks, or a lot of gaping holes. Regardless of how many or how sizable your leaks are, they affect your ship’s efficiency.

Ask yourself, "Is my ship ..."

  • Running as smoothly as it should?
  • Sailing at optimal speed and efficiency?
  • ​Suffering from small leaks, which could add up and cause inefficiency in my department?
  • Vulnerable to competitors?
  • Suffering from large leaks which could affect the organization as a whole?

There are always little drips or gaping holes for leakage. These leaks invariably surface.

​Do you want to fix these leaks while they’re small and manageable, before they get out of hand? 

Or do you want to wait until your ship is taking on water? Can your department handle this exposure?

All leaks and maverick spends will be discovered. . . eventually.

Who is held responsible when these leaks get out of control?

Chances are, your crew is busy with managing other responsibilities. Can they be pulled away to fix these leaks? Won’t that expose bigger areas of vulnerability and create larger problems?​

It’s almost impossible to have all of these leaks plugged 100%. . .​

Or is it?​

See, it is possible to plug these organizational leaks and stop hemorrhaging money -- IF you have the right reporting in place. That's where I come in

Will Accurate Analytics Reveal A Sinking Ship?Or Huge Leaks In Your Fleet?

I remember it like it was yesterday. (Pay attention, because there’s an important lesson here.)

A large medical company reached out to me to fix a huge problem. Though the company had over 5.6 billion in revenue, their reports were showing a $0 inventory valuation, and were consistently causing the reporting system to have 15 - 30 hours of down time to re-run the reports.

This was a two-day delay for the month-end closing process!

This company had previously spent hundreds of thousands of dollars paying a Big 3 Consulting firm to solve the problem. The Big 3 Firm had created a patchwork of duct tape solutions, ultimately leaving behind the same leaks.

Now, This May Not Sound Like Much Money In The Big Scope of Things For Such a Large Organization…

But Imagine Being The Captain of This Ship, And Being Held Accountable When The Leak Surfaces.

Your Ship is Leaking Revenue, and Causing Major Downtime for Your Ship, and Affecting the Whole Fleet.

I was called in to get the data for the month’s financial reports. The big challenge was doing this without causing the 15 - 30 hours of downtime the company was experiencing every month. AND provide a permanent solution so the business could close their books on time at month’s end.

After a short discovery session I discovered some key organizational leaks. With that information I was able to deliver a cost effective, permanent solution in a short amount of time.

The problem was resolved, preventing the company from losing over $54,000 in consulting fees while eliminating issue-resolution meetings every month. 

Additionally they stopped wasting time with

  • Troubleshooting
  • Solution Proposals
  • Status Meetings
  • Unnecessary Emails
  • Change Management

Given this was a recurring issue, the fix saved them hundreds of thousands in the long run.

It was a simple fix. That’s the good news.

But the bad news is, the company had lost thousands of dollars AND man hours because they relied on stop-gap solutions.

This wasted money, resources and morale.

How much longer could this company have spent fixing their leaks with duct tape solutions before their ship started sinking?​

Now ask your self ...

Do you have reports and solutions for these key common sources of leaks in your ship? 


Are you moving your finished goods as quickly as possible or is your working capital tied to overstock inventory?


Creating and maintaining master data is time consuming and difficult. How confident are you in your team's planning, manufacturing, delivery, and purchasing activities?


How much of your purchases are using the best prices? Do you have the tools in place to enforce business rules for purchasing?

Does your organization have these reports in place? More importantly, are they accurately identifying huge leaks in relevant departments?

It’s natural to want to solve a problem internally. However, problems like this don’t go away on their own, and what doesn’t get better will usually get worse.

This is a huge problem across the SAP Landscape.

 Unfortunately, many companies bring in a national consulting firm, wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars, and 6+ months in design, development, testing, and deployment. This whole process requires patience, cross-functional cooperation and a concerted continuous improvement effort.

To top it off, the national consulting firms usually don't solve the core problems.

And that's why companies like yours call me.​

I decided to create a solution to solve this for you. The Blueprint Workshop helps companies like yours identify and prevent organizational leaks and maverick spend that cause your ship to run inefficiently or sink. 

This low-risk workshop gives you the basic framework to identify the leaks and gaps in your supply chain, so you'll have everything you need in advance of starting a project.

The Blueprint Workshop

Our methodology, domain knowledge, and rapid deployment solution ensure that you have the full project scope in your hands before diving headfirst into a project.

The Blueprint Workshop includes:​

  • Session Outline and Worksheets to quickly capture your needs
  • Dedicated Solutions Architect throughout the entire project
  • Over 15 years of experience, with a proven track record in Materials Management, Sales and Distribution, Plant Maintenance, and Work Management
  • Comprehensive interviews, giving you a thorough analysis of your needs and internal staff capabilities
  • Accurate Proposals suited to your timeline and budget
  • A compilation of reports and requirements you need to give your staff or implementation partner to carry out the change

When starting the Blueprint Workshop, I work with the Subject Matter Experts across multiple departments to develop reports which give you an accurate assessment of your ships present state. In most cases, the repairs are a simple matter of fixing. You need to know exactly where your organizational leaks are located, and how to fix them.

Some of these fixes are simple, and inexpensive, like the one I just shared with you.

It's important to focus on effectiveness and efficiency over speed. When your staff have other responsibilities, they may often look for the fastest solution to the leakage. This is usually a "duct tape" solution, which is a temporary fix resulting in larger leaks down the line.​

Sign Up for the Blueprint Workship

You'll have everything you need to identify the leaks in your organization, potentially saving hundreds of thousands (or millions) of dollars. You'll get cost effective, permanent solutions in a short time frame.


And don't worry. I guarantee that my team and I will identify at least $100,000 in irregular spend, and give you a set of reports to monitor purchasing compliance ($25k value).

So here you are, thinking about your department (your ship!) and areas of vulnerability (leaks!). You have some options. You can do nothing, and wait for the leaks to add up, and get bigger. And when the leaks are finally revealed, someone has to be accountable.

Another option (the right choice), is to take advantage of the Blueprint Workshop


Because the Blueprint Workshop is a low risk, high reward investment. We'll expose your leaks and irregular spend.​ And we won't just expose the leaks - we'll give you step by step instructions and reports to fix them.

Imagine being the one who save your company six to seven figures in maverick spend. ​

Would productivity increase? Would downtime be reduced?

What if your crew was finally free of this looming problem?


So here's a recap of what you'll get when you make the low risk, high reward investment in the Blueprint Workshop today.​

  • Session Outline and Worksheets to thoroughly and quickly assess your requirements
  • A Solutions Architect, managing a small team dedicated to solving your problem
  • Over 15 years of experience, with a proven track record in Materials Management, Sales and Distribution, Plant Maintenance, and Work Management
  • Assessment of your internal staff to determine skill and competencies
  • Customized proposals to meet your timeline and budget
  • Reports to monitor purchasing compliance ($20k value)
  • Identification of minimum $100,000 irregular spend
  • Step-by-Step action plan to permanently plug the leaks in your procurement process
  • Peace of mind that you'll never worry about leaks and maverick spend again

If you're ready to permanently seal the leaks and maverick spends affecting your organization, then sign up for the Blueprint Workshop today.

Sign Up for the Blueprint Workshop